If you are organizing an event or an activity for Culture Days, or have an existing event you would like to include in the celebrations, it must meet the following criteria for inclusion:
•The arts, heritage and culture events/activities should be participatory. That means your event should involve some hands-on or behind-the-scenes element.
•The event must be free for the public to attend. This ensures that all events are open and accessible to the public.
•The event takes place during Culture Days event dates. This year is from September 20th to October 13th, 2024. While the Culture Days celebration takes place over a three-week time period, you do not have to plan for its entirety to qualify. You are a part of Culture Days whether your activity runs once, or a dozen times!
•Lastly, the event must be registered on Culture Days website. There are so many benefits to registering your events on Culture Days National’s website. Create a Culture Days account to get started. Once confirmed, you’ll gain access to your very own Dashboard, where you can find registration forms with step-by-step instructions, special resources.
If you have any questions about whether your event qualifies, Please contact Busayo Osobade or call (306) 780-9434.